A Letter to Students in Ohio

Students at Montgomery High School in Columbus, Ohio, are doing a project about countries in Europe. Read this letter from the Sweden Project Group and write a letter in reply. Cover as many questions as possible but make sure you have time to read through and check what you have written. Before you begin writing you should do a mind map about what you should include in the letter. The letter should be between 300-500 words. Start the letter with “Dear Friends in Ohio, “.


Dear Friends in Sweden,

We are working with a European project and we’ve discovered that we don’t know very much about your country and the way you live. Please write back and tell us. And of course we are curious about YOU – who are you and where do you come from?

Our high school has about 1000 students and we have a great football team, a big band and lots of after-school activities. What about your school? And what about the Swedish school system? Tell us what it’s like!

Some more questions that we have are:

What is it like to live in your country? What are young people interested in? What do young people talk about and do they think it is important?

We think a lot of people get the wrong impression of our country through TV and other media. So we wonder what you know about life in the US.

Finally, what are your plans for the future?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Yours sincerely, Debbie, Carlos, Said and Tom.




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