How to write a letter

This is how you should write a letter


  • begin the letter with ”Dear ….. (first name).
  • explain why you are writing
  • give more information and explain what you want in more detail.
  • finish your letter with a nice ending, for example ”I hope to hear from you soon”.
  • End the letter with ”Best wishes,  ….. (your name).


Example of a letter

Dear Peter,

How are you? I hope you are doing well.  It has been long time since last time I heard from you. I am writing you this letter to keep you updated about my last news.

First of all I want to tell you about my job. As you know I have been working in Kävlinge Lärcentrum for 3 years, and I am really enjoying my job. It is so fun being a teacher and I really like the nice and ambitious students here.

Finally, I would like to share with you a good news. I am now a father of a beautiful baby girl. Her name is Sarah, and she is one month now. In four months I’m going to be at home with her so that my wife can begin working again.

I am looking forward to hear from you soon. Give me a call the next time you are in Kävlinge so that we can meet.

Best wishes, John.


Assessment matrix for writing a letter

Level 1  Level 2  Level 3
Content You answer some of the questions in the letter. You answer the questions in the letter. You answer the questions in the letter in a very good way.
Structure Your text looks like a letter. You follow parts of the structure of a letter. You follow the structure of a letter.
Fluency Your language is simple and clear and has a quite good fluency. Your language a good fluency. Your language has a very good fluency.