My favourite film scene

Go together in a group of two or three and talk about your favourite film scenes. Till next lesson you should decide on one favourite film scene and find the clip on Youtube. Show it to your classmates on that lesson. Choose one of the scenes together that you could act out.

After that you decide which roles to play. Search for ”script” to find the exact lines for each character. If you can’t find it you have to listen to the clip and write them down.

Rehearse the scene many times and then record it. The lines don’t have to be exactly like in the film. The important thing is that you act with feeling. If you can mimic the accent of the actors you can do it, but it’s not a requirement.images

Watch the recorded film scene together and think about what could be improved. However, you are not allowed to criticize other’s performances too harshly.

Record the scene at least three times and try to improve it each time.  Send it in when you are satisfied with it (it doesn’t have to be perfect).

This assignment is formative so instead of a grade you will be given feedback on how to improve your English.